Often when I’m feeling a little low or miserable, I can get stuck in that place and spend the entire day wallowing …then wake up the next day with a cloud of regret, that I have wasted a whole day on negative feeling. I have my own little ways of pushing through and unless I’m on a real low, they always work for me!

1 – Spend less time on social media – I always say this and never take my own advice, but when I do make myself stay off facebook, twitter and Instagram for a few hours – I feel instantly refreshed. I love social media, I wouldn’t blog and Instagram so much if I didn’t – but all good things need moderation. 

2 – Look at old photos – this is always a guaranteed way to put a smile on my face, whether it be the good old teenage chavvy days with the worst fashion / make up and poses, or back to the first days of myself and Kyle’s relationship, Harry’s newborn photos or memorable nights out with the girls – it’s a sure way to lift my mood and take me back to those happy times and that reflects on my mood there and then – smiles all round! 

3 – Get outside! Fresh air is sometimes all I need. And living on the Isle of Wight just a few minutes walk from the beach – there’s not really any excuse not to get outside. The sea air especially makes me feel good and makes me appreciate the beauty around me. Despite the varied opinions of others – I love this little island!

4 – Spend some quality time with my boy – Between work, sleep, and every day routines – it’s easy to let the days go by and really not make the most of it. Harry is growing so fast and when I’m feeling a bit low I love nothing more than focusing my every second on him, soaking in his pure innocence and happiness, he’s like a sponge he absorbs all my negative feelings and sometimes I forget how much I take motherhood for granted – he makes me so, so happy. 

5 – Do something productive – empty out my handbag, mow the lawn, change the bedding, sort through old clothes. Taking my mind off things and having a focus however small can really lift my mood and change my mindset for the day ahead. 

These are my ‘5 little things‘ What are yours? 
Jenn xxx

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