So it’s been over 2 months since I decided I would do a monthly post on Harry – as I have said before, I blog because I enjoy it – and it’s a good way for me to document how I’m feeling and what’s going on in my life. But I would really like to make it a more regular thing and try and build it. I go on maternity leave this week, so I’m hoping that’ll give me the opportunity to blog more often and have more to share with you.

Harry turned 2 last week…. how did this happen?! Where has that time gone?!

 We enjoyed a family day out at Tapnell Farm this year on his actual birthday and he loved it. If you haven’t been and you live on the Island, it’s worth a visit! 

At 2 years old, Harry loves :

  • Cars – he is going through that car stage and plays with them all the time! We got him a cozy coupe for his birthday and he spends so much time in it, when he’s not in there he’s playing with his growing collection of others! 
  • Pasta – this has always been one of his favourite foods but he would eat it every day if he could! Hot, cold, dry, in a sauce, probably even with chocolate he would eat it!
  • Diving / jumping – his new ‘thing’ is to put his arms in the air, and just dive. Sometimes hilarious… sometimes dangerous – he has zero sense of danger when it comes to this and will happily dive head first on to a solid floor! Nightmare. 
  • Cuddles – FINALLY! Harry has never been overly affectionate (I wonder where he gets that from) but now he will willingly come to us for cuddles and it’s the nicest thing ever. Trying to make the most of it before it undoubtedly stops again! 
  • Mr Tumble…. love love loves it.

Things he dislikes:

  • Baths – Harry used to LOVE a bath, and he loves being in water. But over the past weeks bath time has become something he really doesn’t enjoy, and as quick as I have him in there, he’s desperate to get back out again! 
  • Not being able to get his own way or being told what to do. 
  • Doors being opened and not being able to close them. This is such a big problem again and it drives me insane, but I have to remember it’s a big deal to him! 
  • Having his nails cut… again, he used to love it but now even doing it along to ‘this little piggy’ just doesn’t work. 

Harry is behind in his speech development, and he still hasn’t said any words. We finally have an appointment through for Speech and Language which is for mid August, so we are very keen and intrigued to see how this might help. He will also be getting some input from the early years team but this won’t start until a little later in the year. He’s coming on loads every day and you can see how frustrated he gets trying to communicate with us, but he is always able to express what he wants. His ‘obsessive‘ behaviours are still there and he is presenting them in different ways. At the moment, lining up of his toys is becoming a much more regular occurrence and it can stress him out a lot! He still loses his temper very quickly (again, I wonder where he gets that from) but overall he is a very happy playful little boy and we are so proud of him. He makes our day, every day.

And let’s not forget he is due to be a big brother very soon, so a lot more change coming for him. I will keep you updated with how that goes… with just over 3 weeks until my due date, it’s all feeling a bit nerve wracking but super exciting. 

I will see you again in a month for the next update by which time there should be lots to tell you about! Until then, keep an eye for my other posts and feel free to throw any blogging ideas my way. 
Jenn xxx 

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